Recently, I went to Wat Pho where is the most attractive place for tourists in Thailand because there many impressive things with the beautiful decoration such as gable and wall, etc. Besides, the large grounds of Wat Pho contain more than 1000 Buddha images in total but the most interesting Buddha images for tourists in Wat Pho is the reclining Buddha image. Moreover, it has many historical and cultural heritages are contained in Wat Pho. Wat Pho is considered one of the biggest amongst hundreds of Buddhist temples in Bangkok. There’s no clear evidence to tell us when the temple was firstly built. According to the earliest historical record, historians suggest that the temple has existed here for over 250 years before the founding of both the capitals of Thonb

The first interesting section in Wat Pho is the Vihara of the Reclining Buddha or Phra Buddhasaiyas(Viharn Phranorn). According to watpho.com, Viharn Phranorn is the building where is constructed for containing the important Buddha image, the Reclining Buddha. King Rama III told his nobleman, Krom Muen Pumintarapakdi (Prince Laddawan), the head of department of the Ten Crafts as a construction team leader. After having noulded the image of the Reclining Buddha, the team continued with the hall.The image was made of stuccoed bricks gilded with gold leaves. This statue is 46 metres long, with the dimensions at the face of 15 metres high and at each foot of 3 metres high and 5 metres long. The soles of the statue's feet are inlaid with mother-of-pearl showing the 108 auspicious signs of the Buddha. This is the largest and most beautiful piece of fine arts of the Buddha image in a reclining position found in Thailand. The mother of pearl inlay at the feet of the image is of Thai-Chinese style, as indicated by 108 auspicious signs portraying natural scenes of both Indian and Chinese influences. On the inner wall of this Vihara, you will see mural paintings of three topics; “Mahawong” (Historical annals of Ceylon) up the windows; “13 Savida Atadagga Disciples (Priestess)”, “10 Upasaka Atadagga Disciples” and “10 Upasika Atadagga Disciples” between each window. In addition, there is an important thing in Wat Pho that is the four great stupas that involve in Thai history. The four great stupas is called Phra Maha Chedi, and found each at 41 metres high. The four great stupas were built on three separate occasions. The first stupa was built in the
reign of King Rama I to contain Buddha image, Phra Si Sanphet. The second occasion was happened when King Rama III built 2 more stupas on each side of the first one. The white glazed tile on the right was for King Rama II while the yellow one on the left was for his own behalf. The last great stupa in blue tile was built by King Rama IV to commemorate his own reign before he ordered that the future King shouldn't built any more great stupa in this already crowded temple. Not only the charming Reclining Buddha image, but the Chinese stone statues and rock giants also fascinate the tourists. There are many Chinese stone statues placed all over the temple compound for decoration. They're brought from the mainland China a long time ago especially in the reign of King Rama III when there was a great deal of trade between Thailand and China. They were used as the ballast of the ships and were subsequently presented to the King, and the King put them away in various places for decoration. They are in forms of animals, warriors, Chinese sages etc.
Here are four main of the Chinese stone statues as follows; The first is Chinese rock giants were found as gate guardians and in the parks were ballast from the ancient trading travels to China. It was intelligence of the ancient Thai applying these ballasts for decorations in many places of this monastery. The second is “Lan Than” or Rock Giants with weapons represents nobleman warriors in Chinese opera style clothes. The giant with a looking down fierce-face, holding a weaponin one hand and wearing a tight suite of armor, can be found as gate guardians. They were both high-rank soldiers and combatants. The third is Philosopher is a good-humoured rockery wearing a folded-end top-hat. He looks like a young knowledgeable aristocrat, but without beard, wearing a long cloak and shoes, holding a fan or a book in one hand. The last one is Lion Mouthing a Ball as a decoration at the stairs base can be found in many sizes. You can roll the ball in his open mouth, too If you are obervant enough, there are both lions and lionesses. The lioness has small cubs in her chest and at her feet whereast he lion is standing with either a ball, a globe, or other auspicious items accourding to Chinese belief, in his paw.
If you have free time, I think you should go the this temple and you will see the wonderful object certainly. Besides, the temple is suited for students who wants to learn about Thai History.